
Monday, December 20, 2010


We had a really lovely Christmas gathering at my Mom's house last night followed by a tour of Christmas lights on a party bus. But all I can think about was while at my Mom's, we had the tv on so the guys could watch football. I was DISGUSTED at the commercials and how pornographic and suggestive they were! The media is victimizing men! Something has to be done to stop this, I'm seriously angry and mad and I feel like sailing away to a faraway island and secluding my family from such filth. I know that isn't what God is calling us to do, we must fight the good fight, but it isn't easy. One of the reasons I left facebook was because they allow porn to be advertised on their site, that ISN'T OK, it ISN'T! I know you can filter it out....BUT WE SHOULDN'T HAVE TO!!! Even when I log on to check my email, there are sometimes ads for Victoria Secret and Dior perfume that are horribly suggestive. This type of "advertising" isn't only victimizing men, it's denigrating to women, it totally makes women feel inadequate to try to live up to an airbrushed unrealistic image of worldly "perfection". God created us in His image and likeness, we are better than this garbage, WE ARE!
   One of the coolest groups I have ever seen is "That Man is You" and Don was telling me he wants to start up a group at our parish. He used to belong to the group at our old parish and it really changed him and opened his eyes to the way that the devil is trying to desensitize us through the media. This program is fruitful and is what this world needs.
  This is a rambling of thoughts, and as I contemplate the birth of our Lord and his second coming I feel compelled to try and change what I can...with my limitations and worthlessness, but I am trying.
  Sometimes I forget that we aren't here to "have a good time" we are here to know, love, and serve God, not be a slave to the media, our possessions(struggling with one!), and instant gratification(this one too!!).
St. Francis of Assisi said "Sanctify yourself and you will sanctify the world" and this is the hardest thing to do, I struggle with myself so much! Just when I think I am getting somewhere, I fall harder. I think it's all part of the journey and  I remember a quote from a puppet show at the Midwest Catholic Family conference "a saint is a sinner who keeps on trying."


  1. Great post, Debi. I have had the same thoughts about commercials as well. It's disgusting and embarrassing. Even Hanes and Fruit of the Loom commercials are inappropriate anymore. Thank you for sharing your passion, it inspires all of us. I like the quote. Life is a struggle, and will always be. But you're we must fight the good fight and not give up or give in. God bless you, friend.

  2. When I do watch regular t.v. at someone's home (we just do videos.) I am shocked at the commercials.

    What we need to do....? tHe biggest boycott is to turn it off.

    I am struggling right along with you. I think I am making some spiritual strides and then something comes along and I realize I am right back in square one. Life is a battle for sure.

  3. Josette, you are absolutely right, Turn it off, that is a big deal if many of us do it. Our family gave up tv this year, we couldn't even watch family movies without inappropriate commercials, so we just decided to unplug it.
    As far as the struggle, I like to think of this verse from 1 Peter 1:7 "so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ."
    We are being perfected in the battle with temptation and refined by fire.
    We will never feel that it is complete or even close, but part of that is humility, so it's not all bad. Half the battle is marching on despite feeling unworthy or unable to fight, the devil tempts us by making us think we can't defeat temptation and to give up, but we have to just keep getting up over and over again, shaking the dust from our feet and starting over. I remind myself to be truly repentant for my failings(which seem innumerable)and that in and of itself is of great merit as in scripture(Luke 15:7) it says "I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance."

  4. Phil and I have been having talks about this constantly, its disgusting to see how inappropriate commercials are. Normally the only telly we allow Matilda to watch is cbeebies and Playhouse Disney because neither of these channels has adverts in the UK. However she asked to see Peppa Pig the other day and we noticed it was on Nick Jr so we put it on there. At 9am they had an advernt for a Calvin Klein perfume which is like soft porn, ON A KID'S CHANNEL! They are purposely targeting a very young audience, I can't stand Calvin Klein but sadly so many of them are going in that direction.

    I get worried for my daughter's future and sometimes think we should just shut ourselves away from everything but of course that isn't what we're called to do.

    Turning off the TV is the best thing to do but I struggle with it, especially as I grew up in a house where it was almost always on and we were pretty much allowed to watch whatever we wanted. I learned most of my values from television and movies as my Catholic education was woefully inadequate and watered down. It was actually two things that made me open my eyes: Pope John Paul II's describing our society as a 'culture of death' and Chuck Colson's Viewpoint talks each day where he talked about what a Christian Worldview was and really hitting home about being in the world but not of it.

    It's a tough lesson each day and hard work. Great post Debi, its made me realise I need to work harder at protecting my family and our souls too.

  5. Thanks Eloise..hugs! The only way to send a message to advertisers is to boycott their products and also television, I know there are good channels out there..EWTN for one, but there is a continual temptation to flip around and I know I must come across as self-righteous, but the truth is, I have to remove myself from sinful images and such because I have a tendancy to have impure and bad/negative/judgemental thoughts, this is how I protect myself and my family. I am a HUGE sinner and I don't need anymore help with suggestive propaganda. Yes, Eloise, you hit the nail on the head when you say "to be in the world and not be of it". It's a struggle, but we have a loving merciful Savior, who is with us.
